Inspirational Doctor

2002 January 01

Created by michelle hogan 15 years ago
As a general rule, I don't like doctors. I took up high impact aerobics in my late thirties...I'd been active before that but this was something new for me and of course at my age, suffered various and sundry minor injuries....but I was devoted to my exerise....I just didn't want to make things worse....Dr. Litton was somehow assigned to me for various injuries....and I loved his message.....the exercise was SO much more important than the minor discomforts I was experiencing that I needed to get back to the gym with some minor cautions.... I particularly remember him chuckling that women in their 40's were coming to see him with SPORT injuries...he loved that, he loved the change in our culture that older and older people would be trying to maintain their fitness rather than just give in to age.....he inspired me...that I COULD and SHOULD do what I was doing..... and I .....deeply regret his passing. He was an excellent doctor. He did what a doctor should do. First do no harm...then get your patient back to functionality as soon as possible. Peaceful rest, Dr.