A Priceless Long Friendship

1964 - 2008

Created by slightly younger 15 years ago
We met in 1964 as young Air Force lieutenants, each with smart, beautiful and competent wives and the cutest of little children. At Orlando Air Force Base, Jason was fulfilling his commitment as a medical officer and I as a documentary motion picture officer. A mutual friend insisted that Susan and I meet Linda and Jason--that our interests, personalities and fledgling little families were seemed meant for friendship. She was right. On all sorts of levels, we connected, and enjoyed that new friendship. It's been mutually treasured for 45 years! Jason and Linda have enhanced and stimulated life for many others, of course, but today, Pamela Zilly and I especially mourn the loss of the exciting, affectionate, challenging and horizon-broadening-presence in our lives, that has been Jason Litton. Thank goodness we all knew and had expressed our love and admiration many times through the years. The pleasure, respect, cultural and intellectual enthusiasm, love for our children, sense of humor and mutual irreverance have been treasures I've been conscious of since 1964. Nothing's been left unexpressed. Though we may be selfishly angry that Jason has been taken from us, we are grateful and moved by how much of his life-enhancing and life-affirming spirit characterizes Linda, Ashley, Peter and Jennifer. We will make sure the wonderful connection of 1964 will keep going, expand and be treasured by all of us for a long, long time! Much, much love to Linda and the wonderful family she and Jason have given us. Peter Vogt and Pamela Zilly September 8, 2008